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wais.el - GNU Emacs interface to WAIS
wais.el is a GNU emacs lisp file that allows people to use WAIS through
GNU Emacs. It relies on the WAIS version 8 distribution, particularly on a
shell program called waisq.
wais.el has a number of configuration variables that must be set properly
at a site upon installation of the WAIS software.
(defvar *wais-top-directory* "/proj/wais/wais/")
(defvar waisq-program (concat *wais-top-directory* "bin/waisq")
"Location of the waisq executable.
This comes in the bin directory of the wais release")
(defvar waisindex-program (concat *wais-top-directory* "bin/waisindex")
"Location of the waisindex executable.
This comes in the bin directory of the wais release")
(defvar *common-source-directory* (concat *wais-top-directory* "wais-sources/")
"Where the common sources for you site live. nil if there are none")
(defvar *wais-question-directory* "~/wais-questions/")
(defvar *wais-source-directory* "~/wais-sources/")
(defvar *wais-document-directory* "~/wais-documents/")
(defvar wais-tmp-directory "/tmp/")
(defvar wais-version 8)
The first four variables are site specififc, and should be modified
according to your site.
The GNU Emacs interface to WAIS (refered to as wais-gmacs from now on) is
based on the WAIS Station built for the Apple Macintosh, and xwais, which
you'll find in this distribution. To a very large degree the applications
can be used interchangably, as they all use the same basic file structure.
The principle functions in wais-gmacs are:
Find a wais question and go to it.
First tries to find the question named Quick, then any wais question,
finally it creates a Quick question, prompting for search words and source.
Make a menu of questions so you can select one.
Type ? after invocation to get help on commands available.
Type q immediately to make the question menu go away.
Make a menu of sources so you can select one.
Type ? after invocation to get help on commands available.
Type q immediately to make the source menu go away.
Create a new Question named NAME
Create a new Source and a database to go with it
Create and run the 'Quick' novice question, and pop up
the novice Help
There are three new "modes" created by gmacs-wais:
1. waisq-mode
2. waisk-mode
3. waisd-mode
Each mode has some special keybindings associated with it.
waisq-mode is the pricipal mode for manipulating WAIS questions. The
keybindings for waisq-mode are:
Movement commands:
C-n Move to next document, or arg documents.
C-p Move to previous document, or arg documents.
e,f,v Edit, Find or View the current document (all are synonymous).
n Edit to next document, or arg documents.
p Edit to previous document, or arg documents.
space Scroll document in other window forward.
delete Scroll document backward.
B Go to the best line in the document
C-l Refresh Display and reset Question Window.
A Add a source to the question.
D Delete all sources from the question.
Relevance Feedback:
a Add the current document to the question.
d Delete all relevant documents from the question.
Action Commands:
k Replace the 'Find documents on' words
G,RET Go for it (submit the query).
N Make a new question.
m Toggle multiple document buffer mode.
s Select another question.
S Save this document to a file.
? or h Show this message (Help).
q quit WaisQ, but keep the question's buffer.
Q Quit WaisQ and kill this question's buffer.
waisd-mode is the principal mode for viewing WAIS documents, as retrieved
through a WAIS question. The keybindings for waisd-mode are:
Movement commands:
All the usual text-mode cursor movement work.
In addition the following commands are available:
B Go to the best line in the document
space Scroll document forward.
delete Scroll document backward.
Action Commands:
s Add the marked region as a section to the Relevant Documents.
? or h Show this message (Help).
q quit WaisQ, but keep the question's buffer.
Q Quit WaisQ and kill this question's buffer.
waisk-mode is the same as text-mode, but pressing RETURN will initiated the
Some notes on retrieving and saving sources (from the directory of servers,
or from the help query):
If you use the S (capital-S, Save document to file) on a source, it will
prompt for the name of the source file, and automatically add the .src if